What is Eurovision?
Let’s Tell You All About It!
Eurovision Overview
All the terminology you need going into a new Eurovision season!
National Finals
Each country has its own process for choosing an artist to represent them.
Eurovision Week
There is an entire week of events leading up to the Grand Final!
The Statistics
Sometimes the results can be just as exciting as the competition itself.
Who creates The E Spot Podcast?
Meet our team!
Renata is an Historian specializing in 20th century society. She combines her knowledge of European culture and love for Eurovision to produce thoroughly researched content for the podcast.
Greg is an international award winning Graphic Designer, radio DJ, and Eurovision fanatic. He creates the stunning visual elements you see on our webpage and social media accounts.
Meredith is a City Planner and self-described “data nerd.” She is new to the Eurovision fandom, but her enthusiasm for the contest was instrumental in developing the podcast.
What is Eurovision?
Eurovision is the longest running internationally televised song contest in the world! Since 1956, every year the contest has brought together people from across Europe to showcase their musical talents.
So, It’s Like American Idol or X-Factor right?
Contest like Idol and X-Factor have much in common with Eurovision. In fact, many artists who compete in Eurovision also participated in their home country’s version of Idol and X-Factor.
How’s does a Song Contest differ from a Singing Contest?
The main difference between a song contest and a singing contest is that vocalists in a singing contest perform familiar tunes, whereas vocalists in a song contest perform a new original song.
Why isn’t the USA involved?
Participation in Eurovision requires membership of the television station in the European Broadcasting Union. BUT….. An American Song Contest is in development and will air in 2022 on NBC!
What happens when a country wins Eurovision?
When a country wins Eurovision, it has the honor to host the next year’s competition. Host countries use the opportunity to highlight the nation’s people and culture.
Why can’t I watch certain Eurovisions online?
The European Broadcasting Union owns the rights to all video of Eurovision since 2004. Rights to video of Eurovision contests prior to 2004 are owned by the Host Broadcaster.