2008 - The Weird
PHOTO SOURCE: laka.ba/
This is another one of those so weird it's good entries. Bosnia and Herzegovina sent acclaimed Bosnian alt-rock singer Laka. His eclectic performance featured his sister who could've easily passed as Belletrix Lestrange. They included backing singers dressed as brides in their performance with an interesting laundry cleaning motif.
With shrieking vocals and bizarre costumes, the performance really matched the energy of the recording. I actually really enjoyed the recorded version and they gave everything I was expecting on stage. Their appearance in Eurovision has gone down in history as one of the strangest.
Semi-Final Score: 72 pts (9th place out of 28)
Final Score: 110 pts (10th place out of 24)
Written by Elvir Laković Lakae.
Final Performance:
Music Video: