2009: The Weird
PHOTO CREDIT: ceskatelevize.cz
Another one of those so weird it's amazing songs. Gypsy.cz is a Romani hip hop group and performed mostly in English with phrasing in Romano. This interestingly bizarre song did so poorly, Czechia dropped out of the contest for 6 years.The charming performance, with a super hero theme, played like a trippy children's show. Each segment of the song was punctuated by the abilities of the technological might of the Moscow stage, but the fun staging wasn't enough for Europe to call in. "Come in, Gypsies" is the last of the two songs to get Nul Points in a semi-final.
Semi-Final Score: 0 pts (18th place out of 18)
Written by Radoslav "Gipsy" Banga.
Final Performance:
Music Video: