2006: The Hilarious
PHOTO: Vaidas Stackevičius © M.P.3.
This was the first time I really experienced the so called "Novelty Act." Something that's actually intentionally funny in an attempt to get votes. This song dubbed by Terry Wogan a "Football Chant" took it's home country by storm and divided Europe!
Come the night of the semi-final, with two novelty acts in the fray, it became clear that "We Are The Winners" was the favorite. With it's upbeat love of the contest and a great middle eight (with a great crazy dancing man) it was definitely the gimmick to beat. The song did very well, despite a lot of hate for the song. It received basically the same amount of points both nights!
Semi-Final Score: 163 pts (5th place out of 23)
Final Score: 162 pts (6th place out of 24)
Written by Andrius Mamontovas, Victor ‘Vee’ Diawara, and Saulius ‘Samas’ Urbonavičius.
Final Performance:
Music Video: